Terms and Conditions
1. In these conditions “Liquidline” means Liquidline Ireland Limited (registered number 684953); “Customer” means the Company or person as identified on the front page of the Sales Agreement; “Equipment” means the machine(s) supplied to the Customer; “Consumables” means products such as coffee, chocolate, tea, powdered milk, alternative milk (which means a plant based milk with a colour resembling that of milk, including without limitations, oat milk and soya milk) and cleaning products for use in the Equipment; “Other Products” means any other product i.e. cups, sugar and not a Consumables product; “Maintenance” means the supply of an engineer to fully effect a repair of an item of Equipment subject to the terms and conditions of this Sales Agreement; “Minimum Term” means the period stated on the front page of this Sales Agreement and begins on the Commencement Date; “Commencement Date” means the date of delivery of Equipment to the Delivery Address by Liquidline; “Extended Term” means successive periods of 12 months from the end of the Minimum Term until the Sales Agreement is terminated in accordance with condition 25;. “Operated Equipment” means any Equipment where Liquidline provides a replenishment service and fills the Equipment with Consumables and/or Other Products; “Sales Agreement” means the front page and these conditions; “Lease Agreement” means the lease agreement (if any) to be issued to the Customer under condition 6; “Rental” means the supply of the Equipment at an agreed price which will be invoiced by Liquidline and in accordance with condition 10; “Free on Loan” means the means the supply of the Equipment without a rental charge; “Delivery Address” means the delivery address stated on the front page of this Sales Agreement.
2. The Customer warrants that this Sales Agreement is entered into by it wholly or predominantly for the purposes of the business carried on or intended to be carried on by the Customer.
3. These conditions apply to the Sales Agreement to the exclusion of any other terms that the Customer seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing. The Sales Agreement shall only come into force upon actual receipt by Liquidline on or before the Acceptance Date of a copy of the Sales Agreement signed by the Customer upon which both parties shall be deemed to have accepted these conditions. If a signed copy of the Sales Agreement is received by Liquidline after the Acceptance Date then Liquidline shall, in its absolute discretion, be entitled to confirm its agreement to the Sales Agreement coming into force or to refuse to accept the signed Sales Agreement in which case the Sales Agreement shall not come into force and shall have no further force or effect. The “Acceptance Date” means the date which is 90 days following issue of the Sales Agreement to the Customer by Liquidline.
4. The Sales Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. The Customer acknowledges that it has not relied on any statement, promise, representation, assurance, or warranty made or given by or on behalf of Liquidline which is not set out in the Sales Agreement.
5. Liquidline shall provide Maintenance for the Equipment during the Minimum Term and any Extended Term but this obligation is strictly subject to the terms of conditions 20 to 21 and the Customer’s compliance with its obligations under the Sales Agreement including, without limitation, conditions 6 to 15.
6. Where the contract type is indicated in the Sales Agreement as lease, the obligations of Liquidline under this Sales Agreement are subject to a lease approval by the appropriate leasing provider and the Customer is required, as a term of this Sales Agreement, to enter into the Lease Agreement issued by the leasing provider. In the event that the Customer does not obtain a lease approval from the applicable leasing provider, Liquidline may, at its sole discretion, provide and charge for the Equipment on a Rental basis in accordance with condition 10 and the rates as outlined in the Sales Agreement.
7. Where the contract type is indicated in the Sales Agreement as lease, Liquidline shall be entitled on conclusion of the lease term to continue the Sales Agreement on a Rental basis at the same rate as the lease.
8. Where the contract type is indicated in the Sales Agreement as Free on Loan: (i) ownership and title to the Equipment shall remain with Liquidline at all times; (ii) the Customer shall ensure that any markings indicating that the Equipment is the property of Liquidline shall be maintained in place at all times; (iii) the risk of loss, theft, damage or destruction of the Equipment shall pass to the Customer on delivery and the Equipment shall remain at the sole risk of the Customer until such time as the Equipment is redelivered to Liquidline; and (iv) the Customer agrees and undertakes to order from Liquidline the minimum amount of Consumables set out in the Sales Agreement and agrees that if it fails to order such minimum amount during any nominated period it shall, for the subsequent nominated period, pay to Liquidline on demand a sum equal to Liquidline’s then current rental for the Equipment for that nominated period.
9. Liquidline reserves the right to revise the rates quoted after 60 days or in the event of a materially adverse credit report being obtained in respect of the Customer, but the Customer shall not be obliged to proceed with the Sales Agreement if it does not accept the revised rental rates.
10. Where the contract type is indicated in the Sales Agreement as Rental: (i) the Equipment rentals will be payable in advance in the frequency and amount set out in the Sales Agreement during the Minimum Term and any Extended Term; (ii) Liquidline may vary the rental charges during the Extended Term subject to notifying the Customer; (iii) ownership and title to the Equipment shall remain with Liquidline at all times; (iv) the Customer shall ensure that any markings indicating that the Equipment is the property of Liquidline shall be maintained in place at all times; and (v) the risk of loss, theft, damage or destruction of the Equipment shall pass to the Customer on delivery and the Equipment shall remain at the sole risk of the Customer until such time as the Equipment is redelivered to Liquidline. Liquidline reserves the right to charge the Customer a set-up fee under each Rental as set out in the Sales Agreement (which shall be payable with the first instalment of charges).
11. Except where otherwise set out in this Sales Agreement, invoicing for all Consumables and Other Products shall be monthly.
12. Liquidline shall raise invoices for the charges in accordance with the payment period set out in the Sales Agreement, but should no payment period be specified, each invoice will be payable by the Customer within 30 days of the date of each invoice. If an invoice is not paid by the due date the Customer shall pay interest on the outstanding amount at the rate of 5% a year above the base rate of the Bank of England, accruing daily. Where there is an agreed minimum number of weekly sales and the Customer fails to achieve this minimum number, Liquidline will invoice the Customer for the charges corresponding to the minimum number. In the event that the Customer retains or receives credit for cash takings, the Customer must account and pay for the relevant VAT relating to such cash sums.
13. Unpaid direct debits will incur an admin fee of €25.00 + VAT.
14. Any disputes must be made in writing within 7 working days of receiving the invoice. 14A.The parties acknowledge and agree that all Maintenance charges under this Sales Agreement may be subject to a cost of living increase (“COLA Increase”) at any time after the expiry of a period of 12 months from the Commencement Date, which will be the higher of: (i) the increase in the Retail Price Index published by the Office for National Statistics (or any official index replacing it)); or (ii) 3%. Liquidline may notify the Customer of a COLA Increase in the form of an invoice or other notification sent via email or post.
Customer’s other obligations
15. The Customer shall:
15.1 Ensure that the Equipment is not moved away from the Delivery Address without written consent from Liquidline (except where the Customer has purchased the Equipment).
15.2 Allow Liquidline access to the Equipment at all reasonable times.
15.3 Insure the Equipment to its full replacement value against all risks (except where the Customer has purchased the Equipment).
15.4 Pay full replacement value for any Equipment damaged, destroyed, lost or stolen (except where the Customer has purchased the Equipment).
15.5 Ensure there is an adequate supply of wholesome drinking water and a safe correctly rated supply of electricity for the operation of the Equipment.
15.6 Purchase all Consumables for use in or with the Equipment from Liquidline and ensure the Equipment is only used for dispensing Consumables supplied by Liquidline.
15.7 Ensure that the water supply is fitted with an operational scale reducing filter from Liquidline which is changed according to the contract schedule or (in the case of manual fill machines) use only filtered water.
15.8 Clean the Equipment in accordance with instructions given by Liquidline.
15.9 If applicable, arrange and pay for routine statutory inspection and certification of the Equipment (for example, under the pressure system regulations if it incorporates a steam boiler).
15.10 Arrange and pay for routine PAT testing of the Equipment annually or as required to ensure electrical safety.
15.11 If a Customer requires any Equipment to be connected to the Customer’s IT network it shall be the Customer’s responsibility to arrange such connection. Any such connection shall be entirely at the Customer’s own risk and Liquidline shall have no liability in relation to any such connection or any loss or damage caused by it.
Liquidline’s rights and obligations
16. Liquidline may at any time or times remove the Equipment and substitute with other Equipment after which the expression “the Equipment” in this Sales Agreement shall refer to such substituted Equipment.
17. Ownership and title to the Consumables and Other Products remain with Liquidline, until invoices are paid in full and unused stock is presumed covered by the last invoice.
18. Where the price for Maintenance has been discounted by 50% from our standard price on the condition that all Consumables are purchased from Liquidline, Liquidline shall be entitled to increase the price to our standard price or charge the Customer for Maintenance under condition 21 should the Customer fail to meet the obligation under condition 15.6.
Equipment Maintenance
19. Subject to compliance by the Customer with condition 15.6, Liquidline shall provide Maintenance for the Equipment within a reasonable time during normal business hours after notification from the Customer of any defect or malfunction.
20. Liquidline shall be entitled to charge for site visits and/or Maintenance work at its then current rates (details of which are available on request) in the event that an unscheduled visit or replacement of parts or a repair is required as a result of any of the following:
20.1 failure by the Customer to perform regular cleaning of the Equipment.
20.2 if the apparent fault is due to the water supply or power supply to the Equipment being turned off and the Equipment is not otherwise faulty.
20.3 misuse by the Customer or its users of the Equipment.
20.4 no fault actually exists or cannot be reproduced.
20.5 breakages to Equipment including accidental, negligent and wilful damage.
20.6 interference with the programme or any software settings in the Equipment or on its controls.
20.7 electrical power surges, fire, flood or other catastrophic event.
21. Liquidline also reserves the right to charge for all site visits and/or Maintenance work in the following circumstances:
21.1 if the Customer uses Consumable items in the Equipment other than those supplied by Liquidline (unless a separate Maintenance contract is in place on this basis).
21.2 if the Customer uses the Equipment other than as set out in condition 15.6 or 15.7.
21.3 where the Customer is Renting, has leased or purchased the Equipment more than one year previously and no separate Maintenance contract is in place.
21.4 where work is required outside normal working hours or during a public holiday or a weekend.
21.5 Such Maintenance charges shall be applied at the rates applicable at the relevant time and details of such rates are available on request.
22. Equipment supplied by Liquidline with Maintenance includes call-out and labour, plus parts for up to five years (provided that such parts will be chargeable after this five year period at Liquidline’s then current rates). This obligation is strictly subject to no other arrangement in place and conditions 20 to 22 and the Customer’s compliance with its obligations under the Sales Agreement including, without limitation, conditions 6 to 15. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that Liquidline shall source parts for a period of five years from the date that the Equipment is supplied to the Customer, but Liquidline will not be responsible to the Customer or any third parties for any losses or liabilities arising from the delay or failure to obtain such parts where such delay or failure is due to an event that is beyond Liquidline’s reasonable control in accordance with condition 42.
23. Equipment not supplied by Liquidline with Maintenance provided includes call-out and labour, with all parts chargeable. This obligation is strictly subject to no other arrangement in place and conditions 20 to 22 and the Customer’s compliance with its obligations under the Sales Agreement including, without limitation, conditions 6 to 15.
24. Maintenance pricing in the first year and years after is subject to the front page and terms of this Sales Agreement. Where the price for Maintenance has been discounted from the Liquidline list price on the condition that the Customer uses Consumables only purchased from Liquidline, if the Customer fails to purchase its Consumables from Liquidline, Liquidline reserves the right to charge for Maintenance as per condition 21 or increase the Maintenance charge to its then list price. Duration and termination
25. This Sales Agreement shall come into force in accordance with condition 3. The Minimum Term shall start on the Commencement Date and the Sales Agreement shall continue for the Minimum Term and thereafter for the Extended Term provided that the Customer’s obligation to purchase Consumables shall begin only on the Commencement Date. Should the Customer wish to terminate the Sales Agreement they must give Liquidline not less than 30 days’ written notice to expire on the final day of the Minimum Term or an anniversary of such date.
26. Liquidline may terminate this Sales Agreement immediately by written notice to the Customer in any of the following cases:
26.1 If any sum due to Liquidline remains unpaid for 30 days after falling due.
26.2 If the Customer is in breach of any other obligation under this Sales Agreement.
26.3 If the Customer fails to make payment in full for any Equipment, fails to accept delivery of the Equipment or fails to enter into the Lease Agreement.
26.4 If the relevant leasing provider refuses to issue a Lease Agreement in respect of the Customer.
26.5 If the Customer ceases to trade or appears to have abandoned the Equipment.
26.6 If the Customer or (if the Customer is more than one person) either or any of them makes any voluntary arrangement with creditors or becomes subject to an administration order or (being an individual) becomes bankrupt or insolvent or (being a company) goes into liquidation or a receiver is appointed of its property or if any distress or execution is levied on the Customer’s goods.
26.7 If Liquidline reasonably apprehends that any of the events mentioned in 26.5 or 26.6 is about to occur or may have occurred already.
26.8 If the performance of its obligations is rendered impossible by an act of a third party.
27. Unless and until the Equipment has been sold to the Customer and paid for in full it remains the property of Liquidline. If the Sales Agreement is terminated for any reason Liquidline is entitled to enter the Customer’s premises to remove any Equipment which remains its property and any Consumables or Other Products which have not been paid for.
28. In the event that this Sales Agreement is terminated under condition 26.3 the Customer agrees to pay on demand to Liquidline a sum equal to 10% of the value of the Equipment to compensate Liquidline for its costs incurred in acquiring the Equipment and retaining it in stock and the parties acknowledge and agree that such amount represents a genuine pre-estimate of the loss which would be suffered by Liquidline as a result of such breach.
29. Upon termination of this Sales Agreement for any reason, Liquidline’s consent to the Customer’s possession of any Equipment in respect of which the contract type indicated in the Sales Agreement is Rental or Free on Loan shall terminate and Liquidline may, by its authorised representatives, without notice and at the Customer’s expense, retake possession of the Equipment and for this purpose may enter the Delivery Address or any premises at which the Equipment is located.
30. Upon the termination of this Sales Agreement (howsoever caused (including, without limitation, by mutual early settlement)), without prejudice to any other rights and remedies available under this Sales Agreement, the Customer must pay to Liquidline:
- (a) all outstanding charges due under the Sales Agreement up to the effective date of termination, including, without limitation:
- i. any outstanding invoices;
- ii. any remaining charges relating to Rentals and Maintenance up to the end of the agreed Rental or Maintenance period (regardless of whether the effective date of termination falls on an earlier date), which will be invoiced by Liquidline following the notice of termination being provided;
- (b) any fees associated with collecting and recovering any Equipment (unless such Equipment was purchased by the Customer and has been paid for in full), including, without limitation, any de-installation requirements;
- (a) all outstanding charges due under the Sales Agreement up to the effective date of termination, including, without limitation:
- (c) (in relation to Operated Equipment only) any operating charges (including, without limitation, Equipment servicing costs which would have been payable up to the end of the contract term (had the Sales Agreement not been terminated);
- (d) (in relation to Operated Equipment only) the charges for the Consumables and Other Products which would have been payable up to the end of the contract term (had the Sales Agreement not been terminated). Such charges are calculated on a weekly basis for each item of Equipment from the effective date of termination to the end of the contract term (had the Sales Agreement not been terminated) based on the average weekly number of drinks vended by the Equipment in the preceding 12 month period.
31. Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by its negligence, Liquidline shall not be liable for any damage or loss caused by the Equipment, or the performance of Liquidline’s obligations or the exercise of its rights under this Sales Agreement and the only remedy for any breach of condition or warranty express or implied statutory or otherwise including liability for negligence shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the Equipment or other goods supplied and shall not include any liability for incidental or consequential loss or damage.
32. The Customer enters into this Sales Agreement of its own accord and does not rely on any advice or representations given by Liquidline’s staff or operatives as to the suitability or fitness of the Equipment for the purpose specified.
33. The Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless Liquidline for and against any loss, liability, damage or claim (including legal and other professional costs on an indemnity basis) which it may suffer or be put to as a result of a breach by the Customer of their obligations under the Sales Agreement.
34. This Sales Agreement is assignable by Liquidline but not by the Customer
35. Notices are to be given by recorded delivery post to the address of the other party as shown overleaf unless that party has noticed a change of address in writing in which case it shall be sent to the new address.
36. If any condition or part of a condition shall be held by any competent court or tribunal to be void or unenforceable the remainder of the Sales Agreement (and if applicable the remainder of the condition in question) shall continue in full force and effect.
37. If this Sales Agreement constitutes a consumer transaction (as defined by the Sale of Goods Act 1979) the Customer’s statutory rights are unaffected by these Conditions.
38. Liquidline, Cafe Bonte and Cafe Subito along with their respective logos are all Trademarks of Liquidline and may not be copied or reproduced without prior consent.
39. Pursuant to our legitimate interests, Liquidline may provide the Customer with email updates about the services that it provides from time to time. All marketing communications will be in accordance with the applicable data protection laws and a data subject has a right to object to this processing any time. Please see our Privacy Policy for further information at https://www.liquidline.ie/privacy-policy/
40. In the event of Liquidline updating or amending these terms and conditions the most recent version shall apply.
41. In the event of any conflict with any other document or agreement between the parties, these terms and conditions will prevail.
42. Neither party shall be liable for any default due to any act of God, war, strike, lockout, export and/or import restriction, quota or prohibition, industrial action, trade disputes or restrictions, fire, flood, drought, tempest or other event beyond the reasonable control of either party.
43. No failure or delay by any party to exercise any right, power or remedy shall operate as a waiver of it, nor shall any partial exercise preclude further exercise of the same or some other right, power or remedy.
44. In the event of any dispute between Liquidline and the Customer either party may request arbitration by a solicitor to be nominated by Liquidline.
45. The Sales Agreement is subject to Irish Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts.